Wow it worked… maybe this will soon turn into a photo blog. Have a look at It really is quite impressive. A lot more convienent I must say. Has given me much food for thought (i.e. ideas). In addition to my little amazement with Hello, I have to say today has been a fairly productive day. I rewrote my assignment, and even though its only like 30 lines less or so of code, it is definatley alot more cleaner and pleasing to read. And I got an email re flash in a VB program and I managed to work it out in like 5 mins or so though I’d never tried before, so that was cool, ‘cos now I know how to do it myself too. And I did a bit more of databases today as well.

But yeah the picture below is from a couple of weeks back when we went road tripping to Kiama out of bordem, well not quite, but felt like going for a drive and stuff. Looking forward to more picture postings… woot…