Kinda on holz, but not really, more a 1 week study break before exams, so yeah I’m studying. Fill in on info: Networking Skills Group mark 100%, individual don’t know, Networking final online multiple choice 100%, UNIX 6/20!!! F%^K IT…. LOL… ‘cos of that I’m getting a D instead of a HD dammit. nah but it better that I passed overall (16/20 in previous) than have to repeat it.

Yeah I ended up buying a Dell… P-M chip and that Centrino stuff (even though a wireless card probably will still have better reception)… so yeah… I’m poor again. Should’ve paid another $127 to get XP Pro for IIS, but I didn’t find out Home didn’t have IIS. So yeah I’ll have to do the hack when I get it sometime. Anyways back to studying…