One exam left to go =)

Find out next week if I passed the OOP exam or not… :-S Last semester apparently 2/3 failed first time round…

I got that ICC exam of mine back and I got 25/25 so I’m pretty pleased, ‘cos I kinda liked doing that assignment even though it took a *very* long time to research and write. Well it was on Information Systems which is one of my key passions in computing… hehe so maybe I’m just a little biased. But yeah, I hope I pass the ICC exam on Tuesday. It would be ace if I did pretty okay, as it’ll probably make me more inclined to take the IS Theories and Metholodgies as my sub-major next yr. Anyways I got to go back to reading/studying accounting and IRS systems, so off I go…… bye – goodluck to everyone else who has exams at the moment…..