I’ve been listening to alot of Boysetsfire recently. No idea why. I actually didn’t use to listen to the CD much as it got a bit to intense sometimes for my ears. No idea why…

Anyone want to come to Canada at the end of the year? AirCanada offers cheapo airfairs online, and mind you the prices are good. Well then of course comes the dilemma of finding accomodation, food etc… argh… I have so many things I want to see and do in life. The only issues of course are money and work (finding a job). Oh well we can all have dreams can’t we? Well I do… Hehe I always seem to have a dilmmea of thoughts in my mind at some stage or another. Once was solved kinda and along comes another. Mmm maybe it’s cos O just think in circles? Everything is all related together… maybe that’s where they got that saying from the Lion King and the ‘circle of life’? Anywasy back to databases and nested queries… oh how invigorating….. not… lol but it is kinda okay though…