So I had my first lecture thingo today. And was quite suprised to find that the subject is one which is heaps diff in teaching that I thought. No more formal lectures. The lecture time is class discussion. So basically I have 3 hours of class discussions for one subject as my contact hours. Kinda similar to SDP except realise for SDP lectures wouldn’t be too much use. Still BPIT on first glances appears really well organised so that is good. Plus it’ll be interesting.

Other than that, since I’ve come home form uni an eaten dinner (so since like maybe 8.45pm?) I’ve been fiddling with IIS. Blah so fiddley to configure. Especially since last time I set it up where I changed the windows xp home files so it’d run but now i’m using pro :-S It seems to be working now. Had to create accounts add to groups set up the FTP server thingo to point to the right folder etc. First time I’d bothered trying the FTP server setup. But seems okay.

So now I think it is time to sleeps, cos SDP tomorrow…