First things first, I stayed at uni till like almost 10pm last night. Latest I’ve stayed at Bld 10… Had a presentation and we were scheduled for 8:25pm but didn’t get to present till like 9:40pm… Silly thing was we sat there from 6pm onwards. It was a longgggggg night… but all’s well that ends well.

On a more light hearted note, I decided to sleep in till 8:30am today as I did not have to be at uni till 12 noon. Anyways my mobile started ringing at around 8:30… and at first I thought it was my alarm… but I snapped out of it and realised it really was my phone that was ringing and that my alarm was going to go off any second soon. When half asleep I’m known to just hang the phone up without knowing there was actually a person on the other side. Lucky I did not do that this time. Anyways it was a callback regarding the interview the other day. I was quite suprised – not at the early morning phone call – but that so far it’s still going okay. I must have sounded half asleep though, cos the person on the other side I think figured I just woke up… I’ve never spoken to myself when I’ve just woke up (obviously), so I don’t actually know how I sound when I just wake up…. if that makes sense.

Anyways I have to get back to summarising my work…