Isn’t it funny when you get an assignment back and you do better than you expected, you then start thinking that your mark was actually quite shit? That’s what I do strangely enough… Oh well.

In other not interesting news, today our entire lecture consisted of possible careers in science, what do we think employers are looking for etc in preperation for our next assignment (and our future careers as environmental scientists!). Whilst it was interesting, everything mentioned I had experienced myself already which I guess you could then call a waste of time. What I think are key musts? Have goals and values, be passionate about what you love/believe in, know what you want to do and why you want to do it, presentation and communication skills are a must, know what is happening in the wider community… and finally know the job you want to do like the back of your hand.

Edit: but don’t get me wrong, I like this assignment and my group 🙂 The subject is actually my most interesting subject…