The other day I was reading the article “TV networks must learn to go with the bitflow” and I have to agree with it. For example ratings season is coming towards an end in the U.S. yet some shows (such as 24, Grey’s etc) have yet to return to our screens. And when they do finally air, the networks still pull them of air every few weeks to show something else, or do some recap or whatever else they think of doing.

If we jump to the last paragraph, what it says is actually quite true. For example this year we were only one episode behind The Amazing Race. That is until they pulled it of air one week for the Commonwealth Games (which is mentioned somewhere in the article as well). But it’s still better than months behind.The main problem lies in the fact that the Australian ratings period doesn’t match that of the U.S. And clearly (well at least in the past) it’s not profitable to air hit shows in a time period where not as many people would watch them (over summer). But as for new business models… there is a market, one network just needs to be the brave one to kickstart it. And in the U.S. that is starting up soon, with the ABC network going to offer streaming of full episodes of TV shows that are ad supported.