Well what’s been happening this week? I started work training, which was pretty cool/ace. Other than that I’ve been listening to music, watching movies and web designing (somewhat related to work too). Which is a reminder that I have to make some phone calls tonight. Actually I might leave them till tomorrow morning-ish.

On another note, there’s now less than one week before HSC results come out. Hmm I wonder if I’ll be able to sleep Wednesday night? Probably so, but I’ll then probably wake up real early… then be tired the rest of the day.

Why am I listening to a doof doof music song?!?!?! It’s the only one in my playlist… actually in all of my music collection (CDs and mp3s)… I need to change songs… now… to the Foo Fighters.

Is my Blog boring? It’s starting to get boring… I feel like I’m talking to myself… Does anyone read this? Hmm don’t tell me if you do… well you can if you really want to. That was a bit of a disjointed sentence.

I wonder why I wonder

I wonder why I wonder why

I wonder why I wonder

I wonder why I wonder why

I wonder why I wonder…
