Okay so I’m on the home stretch now. Boarding opens in about 10 minutes, and I’ll be back in Australia around 7:30am tomorrow. Alot has happened (kinda) since my last post.
Whilst in Varanasi on the last night/day almost half our group got really bad gastro and had to get needles and all. But we did make it on the train to Calcutta. Whilst on the train I started feeling sick and by that night I had a splitting headache and it killed to open my eyes, and I was sweating hot and cold. Then to add to that I got the runs, and a cough/breathing probs. Turns out the next day almost everyone had the runs though. Anyways I made my flight from CCU to SIN, and I must add how crazy Calcutta International Airport was that night, that even an Indian national I was speaking to said she’s never seen it that bad and she flies out of there at least once a year. Arriving in Singapore on the 27th, my breathing issues took a turn for the worse, and it was back to the elephant sitting on me situation of December 2004. I was concerned ‘cos I couldn’t control it over the previos 2 days that greatley and as I had a flight to catch in 3 days I needed it under control as who knows that can happen on a 7 – 8 hour flight back. Anyways so it was off to the doctor for a steriod needle. Which worked miracles. Still coughing/breathing not normally, but I’m 100% feeling better.
Other than that I’ve been bascially shopping it up here in Singapore. Met up with Kylynn yesterday as she’s here in S’pore as well and yeah went shopping (again). The clothes they have here are so good. Well a wider range and more affordable price. So yep, I shopped up on almost 7KG of clothing. Left Calcutta with 13KG bag weight, left Singapore with 19.9KG.
Anyways have to run, flight will start boarding soon. Till tomorrow…